Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Dear Sarah,

There are a lot of people who will tell you that "sometimes love isn't enough" or that falling out of love happens to everyone.   I even read an article once where a woman stated that because you aren't the same person at 40 as you are at 20 you should just expect that you'll want to be married to a different person at 40 than you married in your 20s.   She postulated that it's perfectly natural to have different spouses for different stages of your life.  She'd been divorced five times.

Garbage.  All of it.

Because here's the big secret:  the Beatles were right.  All you need is love and love is all you need.

It just has to be true love.  All too often in life we define caring about another person as love.  That's nice until you want to marry someone you care about.  Caring isn't enough.  Lust, friendship, warm feelings, all of that isn't enough.  That is the marriage that will fall apart in five years.

Love means valuing the other person above yourself, above everything and everyone else in your life.  When you love, what they want becomes more important that what you want.  And that works because they value you more than everyone and everything else and your wants and needs are the most important thing to them.  Your love balances each other and because you put each other first you each get priority in the relationship.
Love greases all the rusty little cogs of marriage.  A disagreement is easier to resolve.  Finding time for one another is easier.  Forgiving is easier.  Not hurting each other in the first place is easier.

This is what you are looking for.  Not just someone you can't live without, or someone who's a great kisser and fun to be around.  You're looking for a partner, a best friend, and the center of your world who makes you the center of his.

When you are centered together, everything balances.

Good luck.  Take your time choosing, because making the right choice first makes marriage easier from the start.  

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